
Shares 0 In the vibrant heart of Madrid, a city known for its history, culture, and fiery spirit, lives a dynamic creator who’s reshaping the way we use productivity tools. With the soul of a musician and the acumen of an aerospace engineer, Triz has danced on the edges of the stratosphere — quite literally, […]


Shares 0 K Ladies and Gentlemen, strap in for a mesmerizing journey into the cosmos of creativity and productivity. Today, we’re thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Matthew who embodies the spirit of innovation, intelligence, and intrigue. A physics student, part-time frontend developer, math tutor, and above all, a trailblazing Notion template creator, he […]


Shares 0 K Hailing from a serene coastal town in the North of Spain, he’s a testament to the idea that innovation can spark from anywhere. But who really is the mind behind these innovations? To peel back the layers of this intriguing digital persona, we turned to none other than his peers. In a […]


Shares 0 K Behind the bustling classrooms and the predictable teenage adventures, there lies an unexpected tapestry of innovation, woven by hands that barely trace sixteen summers. Where most see a tool, she sees an art canvas; where many find complexity, she discovers potential. Hailing from the vibrant heart of the Philippines, Eljay crafts realms […]

Julio Trois

Shares 0 Immerse yourself in a journey with a creator whose every keystroke carves out a realm where simplicity intersects with profundity. Julio Trois, emanating from the vibrant and dynamic lands of Brazil, is not merely a Notion user but a maestro orchestrating symphonies of structured simplicity with it. With a belief deeply rooted in […]


Shares 0 In the vast, interconnected world of digital platforms and productivity tools, every now and then, a voice emerges that captivates, resonates, and redefines how we perceive our daily routines. Today, we have the privilege of exploring the story of one such luminary – Isti. Hailing from the beautiful landscapes of Indonesia, Isti’s tale […]


Shares 0 In a digital age where the quest for the perfect organizational tool seems endless, we turn the spotlight to a creator who has harnessed the power of Notion. Meet the mastermind behind NotionGlobe, an endeavor born out of the bustling world of startups and an insatiable desire to streamline both work and life. […]

Purple Notion

Shares 0 Dive into the dynamic world of Purple Notion, where the realms of structural engineering and digital creativity collide. At just 22, this Malaysian-based innovator in the UK has carved a unique niche in the world of Notion, turning a quest for university organization into a passion for designing transformative templates. In this exclusive […]

Ian Dikhtiar

Shares 0 In a world where digital organization and creativity collide, one name stands out with remarkable distinction – Ian. He has carved a niche for himself as a visionary and an innovator. As we sit down for an exclusive interview, we delve into the journey of a man who transformed from a curious enthusiast […]


Shares 0 In a world where digital organization can be as chaotic as the clutter it aims to tame, Elle is a vibrant force in the realm of productivity and design. Elle’s journey into the intricate universe of Notion is not just a tale of mastering a tool; it’s a story of transformation and creativity. […]