

Welcome to an inspiring conversation with Sudakshina, a visionary who seamlessly blends the worlds of art, education, and digital creativity. Hailing from the vibrant city of Chennai, India, Sudakshina is not just an artist, tutor, and freelancer but also an emerging star in the realm of digital productivity.

At the young age of 29, she has harnessed the power of Notion, transforming it from a mere organizational tool into a canvas for her creative aspirations and a gateway to endless possibilities.

Join us as we explore her daily routines, the inspiration behind her innovative Notion templates, and her insightful tips for aspiring digital creators. Sudakshina’s story is not just about managing tasks efficiently; it’s about turning everyday organization into an art form, about the joys of balancing work with creative expression, and about the pursuit of dreams in the digital age.

Q: How did you first discover Notion, and what drew you to it?

A: I started bullet journalling and was frustrated with striking tasks and carrying them over to the next day. So just googled digital planners and Notion popped up.

Q: What inspired you to become a creator (to create templates)?

A: When a friend asked me to make one for him I thought it wasn’t a bad idea at all to create for others too.  Other creators on Twitter inspired me as well.

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: I wake up to my Notion Daily Dashboard to check tasks for the day, workout, start work, work on a particular Notion project (either template launch, blogs, clients etc.), attend to my extracurriculars, teach art to students, and end the day with journaling.

Q: What personal experiences or challenges led you to create the Wedding Planner and Mindful Creative Journal templates?

A: I noticed there weren’t any Indian wedding planners with more than one event and I felt many people made good ones but did not include everything. So I wanted to make a comprehensive planner that would be accessible to all and give more options too.

Mindful Creative Journal was made primarily to help someone with their journey through the 7-day guide which was sold as an ebook by me.

Q: How has your work with Notion templates influenced your personal approach to creativity and organization?

A: I absolutely love planning and Notion was a fresh breath of air really. While I struggled to compile to-do lists, this was a savior and made me worry less about what I had to work on, remember, and track on a daily basis.

Q: Can you share some tips or best practices for individuals who want to blend artistic expression with digital organization tools?

  • Select digital tools that offer flexibility and customization like Notion and add your personalization with templates, colors, and layouts that can reflect your artistic style.
  • Look for inspiration from other artists or creatives who use digital organization tools.
  • Digitize your sketches or hand-drawn notes and integrate them into your digital organization tools. Apps like GoodNotes or Procreate can be used to create these elements before importing them. ( You might need an IPAD for this.)


Q: What advice would you give to someone looking to start creating their own Notion templates?

  • Define your purpose. Are you looking to create for self-organization, selling them, or for clients. 
  • Start watching YouTube videos and tutorials from the main Notion page to understand the process well.
  • Check out free templates online, use that as your base, and practice making one in a fresh blank page.
  • Explore based on Interest. Adding widgets, colors, covers, etc. 
  • Have fun while you do it. It is difficult at first but you will get the hang of it eventually.


Q: What’s your favorite way to relax or destress?

A: A good meal usually destresses me immediately. I love watching movies, documentaries, and series too.

Q: Can you share a goal or dream that you’re currently pursuing?

A: Trying to establish passive income for myself. Trying to monetize my Notion game too. 

As we conclude this insightful conversation with Sudakshina, it’s evident that her journey is more than just about creating digital templates — it’s a celebration of blending artistry with functionality, illustrating how digital tools like Notion can become instruments of creativity and organization in skilled hands.

As Sudakshina continues to pursue her dreams of establishing a passive income and expanding her digital footprint, she stands as an inspiration to many. Her story encourages us to look beyond conventional uses of technology, to see tools like Notion not just as organizers of our daily tasks, but as canvases for our creativity and windows to new opportunities.

In a world where the fusion of technology and personal expression is increasingly celebrated, Sudakshina’s journey with Notion is a reminder of the endless possibilities that await those who dare to innovate and dream.

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