

With a background as a Python lecturer and a leap into the dynamic field of data analysis, Sidita's journey is nothing short of inspiring. 

Her discovery of Notion, sparked by a quest for better organization, has not only revolutionized her personal and professional life but also led her to become an innovative creator of Notion templates.

In this interview, Sidita shares her fascinating voyage from the academic halls to the forefront of digital productivity, revealing the drive behind her creations and the vision that propels her forward.

Join us as we delve into the mind of a creator who is redefining the way we approach work and life through the lens of Notion.

Q: How did you first discover Notion, and what drew you to it?

A: First of all, thank you for the interview, and this makes me feel like a Creator Pro.

In 2022, I made a career shift from Python Lecturer to Data Analyst with Python.

In this career path as a Data Analyst, I was using the Obsidian tool to take notes. One of my favorite YouTubers, Thu Vu data analytics, described how she uses Notion for study and personal projects.

It was Spring 2023 and in June 2023 I started using Notion for freelancing projects. I like the idea of organizing the workspace similar to a webpage, with widgets, a calendar, and a personalized layout. I think these features are the reasons why I switched from other tools to Notion.

Q: What motivated you to start creating and selling digital products, particularly Notion templates and programming e-books?

A: During the first months I was using Notion, in the summer of 2023 I participated in an academic Conference. I planned everything related to it, by building a Conference Planner Notion Template.

I started to build it step by step, and I found it very useful during conference days. Things evolved very fast, in a few days casually I heard from the Notion Circle Community I could sell Notion Templates.

I started to explore Gumroad. I used the same platform for Notion Template and for some lecturers, I had prepared years before for my University Students. 

In September 2023 I launched both products almost at the same time. The e-book and Conference Planner Notion Template.

Q: How do your personal experiences as a software developer influence the products you create?

A: As a Software Developer, I find it very useful to create automated Notion Templates. Databases and Automatizations come as already-known concepts. Also, I prefer to integrate some charts in every Notion Template. Also, for the e-books I plan to add a zip file with the code, and that would add extra value to the digital product. 

Like most of Software Developers, the design and aesthetic part does not come naturally to me. I should take Canva templates by other creators because I find it difficult to combine colors or make good layouts.

So in a Notion Templates, I prefer to add one extra database, rather than one extra divider. 

Q: Can you walk us through the process of developing a new Notion template, from concept to final product?

A: The first templates came from what I was using for my projects. For other Notion Templates, I came across a cycle of research, prototyping, testing, and improving. This means, that in a few hours, I spent researching different categories in Notion Template Marketplace. In the next few days, I was scheduling a Notion Template related to that specific field, and organizing it in 6 pages, 3 databases. Next, I add it to the marketplace. I usually put them in a minimal price, and continue to increase it for each 10 sales. Meantime, I continue to add extra features to it. 

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: Usually, I start my day at 7.00 AM. I start working with anything I have to create or write in the first part of the day. From 12.00 to 14.00 I usually check email, social media, or any webinar related to programming. I choose to end the work at 14.00 and dedicate the evening to my personal life and my family. 

Q: As a solopreneur, what have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced, and what strategies have helped you overcome them?

A: One big challenge I had was to switch my mindset from an academic to a businesswoman. These two worlds have a huge difference between them. As a Solopreneur I have to take the initial step and don’t wait for the perfect results, or the perfect time to take action. 

As a Solopreneur, a huge challenge is to work on different sides, in projects and in creating digital products, at the same time. A strategy is to prepare my mindset to have persistence and to continue doing both projects and digital products.

Another important factor is time management, to organize the day depending on the most productive working hours. Find them and work in that time shift. Working on the rest of the day isn’t productive. 

Q: What trends in technology and digital organization are you currently excited about, and how might these influence future products?

A: I found the Internet of Things (IoT). It is expanding the capabilities of smart workspaces, and devices are interconnected to optimize the work environment. In the aspects of data, I am excited about Data-Driven Insights related to IoT. With more devices connected, there will be a huge of data available to understand and enhance personal and organizational productivity. This will lead to more analytics tools for productivity and health.

Q: In your view, what is the most underrated skill or tool in tech that people should pay more attention to?

A: I think that everyone should pay more attention to Documentation. Software Developers usually neglect this part, but I think we should all add it as an important step in every product. 

In working remotely and in distributed teams, clear documentation is crucial for asynchronous collaboration. It ensures that all team members, regardless of their location or time zone, stay informed and contribute effectively.

Also, it allows teams to revisit and understand past decisions, learning from them and making more informed choices in the future. 

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax or destress?

A: I dedicate an hour per day in the gym. Also, I prefer listening to Podcasts while walking. Many ideas are inspired by different podcasts, and they help me in motivation. 

It might seem strange, but learning a foreign language is an antistress to me. Especially when I don’t have an objective related to it, and I learn just for practice. I am learning German, and usually during my weekends, I start my day listening to a German radio.

Q: Can you share a goal or dream that you’re currently pursuing?

A: Focus on my digital products, and expand my team. I think that soo I might not have enough time and energy, so I should start to delegate my tasks and projects.

As the curtain falls on our insightful conversation with Sidita, it’s clear that her journey from a Python lecturer to a pioneering Notion creator is not just a testament to her adaptability but also to her innovative spirit.

With each template and digital product she crafts, Sidita isn’t just organizing tasks; she’s shaping the very way we interact with our day-to-day responsibilities, hobbies, and dreams.

As Sidita continues to explore technology and productivity, her work stands as an inspiration, encouraging us all to think beyond the confines of conventional tools and to reimagine the potential of our digital spaces.

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