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Ladies and Gentlemen, strap in for a mesmerizing journey into the cosmos of creativity and productivity. Today, we're thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Matthew who embodies the spirit of innovation, intelligence, and intrigue.

A physics student, part-time frontend developer, math tutor, and above all, a trailblazing Notion template creator, he is defying the odds, wearing multiple hats with grace and gusto, while also assisting in running an e-commerce store.

Hailing from the picturesque city of Raciborz, near the Czech border in Poland, and currently making waves in Cracow, he is a fitness enthusiast, a star gazer, a drum player, and a digital product creator. Equally at ease in four languages, he’s just as comfortable lifting heavy weights at the gym as he is coding complex applications.

Meet the person who, despite living on the 9th floor, has a fear of heights, and yet reaches for the stars every single day. Prepare yourself for an enlightening conversation filled with rich insights into his world of template creation, daily life, challenges, dreams, and the role Notion plays in orchestrating his impressive productivity symphony.

Fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the fascinating world of this exceptional Notion template creator, who, with his Gym OS template and many more, is making an incredible impact in the world of digital organization. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this illuminating discourse, as we unravel the story of a truly remarkable individual.

Q: Can you share the story of your first encounter with Notion? What made it stand out for you?

A: I was doom scrolling Twitter and I saw tweets about Notion from Steffy Notion and Pascio and got curious about it. Then I created my Notion account and discovered that you can do so many things with it in one place. It was like discovering a productivity treasure chest.

Q: What ignited the spark in you to become a creator, specifically in creating templates?

A: I started crafting a template for my personal use. This was to manage my business, ideas, and migrate everything from GoodNotes to Notion. Around that time, I was preparing to dive into the world of Frontend Development. This journey inspired me to design my first template – the Coding OS. The idea of sharing this resource with others started making sense, and that’s how I was propelled into the world of template creation!

Q: Could you walk us through a day in your life?

A: My days can be quite a kaleidoscope, shifting shapes and colors. Some mornings, I’m up at 6:30 AM, prepping for lectures at 8 AM, and enjoying a leisurely three-hour break before my next engagement. Other times, my day starts at 9:30 AM and runs a steady course till 3 PM. Thrice a week, the gym calls, and I find solace in afternoon or evening walks amidst nature. My day typically unfolds with a refreshing shower, university lectures, work, gym, some much-needed nourishment, work, a serene walk, unwinding with friends, and finally wrapping up the day with a bit of work or rest.

Q: How do you manage to juggle being a physics student and a creator?

A: Balancing academia and creation can be tough, like threading a needle while riding a rollercoaster. However, with careful planning and the magic of Notion, I’ve found it’s more than manageable. I find joy in sharing snippets of my university life on Twitter and exploring how Physics & Math can intersect with Notion. Perhaps a student planner or basic math or physics course could be in the future. Only time will tell.

Q: What challenges have you encountered in creating Templates?

A: As a perfectionist, I often find myself scrutinizing every detail, striving to ensure that each template is a masterpiece. Another hurdle that I often face is marketing. There are numerous minute details to take care of, making the entire process quite intricate.

Q: How do you unwind and destress?

A: To me, there’s no therapy like lifting heavy weights at the gym or immersing myself in the tranquil beauty of nature during a walk. It’s a balm for my soul.

Q: How does Notion play into your overall productivity system?

A: With my custom template, I plan my day, jot down notes, create to-do lists, and manage everything in one cohesive environment. It’s been a lifeline for me, especially considering my knack for getting distracted (potentially due to my ADHD).

Q: Can you showcase a Notion setup or template that you take immense pride in?

A: My Gym OS is a piece of work that brings a smile to my face. I recently redefined and enhanced it, and it has blossomed into a visual treat that my “perfectionist” side can’t help but appreciate. It’s a product of countless hours of effort, meticulously crafted to perfection.

Q: What was the driving force behind the Gym OS Template, and how can it aid people on their fitness journeys?

A: My journey with fitness commenced in 2017, and I’ve been through a myriad of experiences since then. From weight loss to muscle building, my fitness journey has been an enlightening ride. All these experiences contributed to my Gym OS – a tool that encapsulates my fitness knowledge and shares it with the world. It’s a complete system in one place, enabling users to plan workouts, track progress, manage meals, and much more.

Q: Can you share a sneak peek into any upcoming Templates or projects you’re working on?

A: As of now, I’ve just finished my Meal Planner & Macro Tracker, and given my Gym OS a fresh coat of paint. Coming up next week, I have a revamped version of my firstborn – the Coding OS. Also in the works is an improved version of the Twitter Data Tracker, which will be available for free.

Editor’s note: At the time of publishing this interview, Coding OS is ready to be enjoyed. Go get it.

Q: Do you have any personal goals or dreams that you’re currently chasing?

A: My ultimate dream is as simple as it’s profound. I aspire to become a digital nomad, explore the world, achieve a daily income that surpasses daily expenses, and ensure a comfortable retirement for my mother.

As we bring our enlightening conversation to a close, it becomes vividly clear that Matthew is not just a coder, a physics student, or a gym enthusiast, but a pioneer shaping the digital landscape in his own remarkable way. From the meticulously designed Gym OS template to his forthcoming endeavors, he exudes a unique blend of determination and passion that sets him apart.

Balancing his complex role as a student with his intricate work as a creator, he offers a shining example of what it truly means to pursue one’s passions without compromise. His remarkable journey reveals the magic that happens when curiosity, creativity, and a potent productivity tool like Notion intersect.

His aspirations of becoming a digital nomad, traveling the world, creating a passive income stream, and retiring his mother demonstrate a remarkable focus on freedom and caring. But as we’ve learned, he is a man full of surprises, and we are confident he will achieve much more.

We cannot wait to see what he will achieve next. From all of us here, and surely our readers too, we wish him every success on his ongoing journey.

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