
Embarking on a journey soon and looking to streamline your travel plans? Crafting a travel planner in Notion could be your ticket to a stress-free and thoroughly organized trip. As a versatile tool, Notion offers the flexibility to design a planner that fits perfectly with your travel style and needs. But where do you start, and how do you ensure you're harnessing all the potential this platform offers?

To help you create the ultimate travel planner, I’ve tapped into the expertise of five seasoned Notion creators, each renowned for their innovative and efficient use of the platform. Through their seasoned perspectives, I posed four crucial questions that unveil their secrets to building dynamic, useful, and visually appealing travel planners.

JS - NotionCrowd

Whether you’re a digital nomad, a casual tourist, or an adventurous explorer, this article is packed with actionable advice and creative ideas. These insights will guide you in assembling a Notion travel planner that not only manages your itineraries but also enhances your travel experience.

1. What are the essential elements every travel planner in Notion should include?


First off is the database for the trips. You need to think about what properties you want to include in your database (destinations, days until trip, costs, etc.); and within the page, maybe include an itinerary, checklist, etc.. Second is a resource database where you want to house all the resources like tips, tricks, travel blogs, tools, etc. Then you can add another database to track the money you save for your upcoming trips.



The essential elements of every travel planner in Notion, especially from the perspective of a father of a 2-year-old toddler, include several key components to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. First and foremost, a trip overview is vital. This section should include the destination, travel dates, and a list of places to see and visit, such as restaurants, museums, and parks. Additionally, it’s crucial to have all travel details easily accessible, including flight information, hotel or Airbnb contacts, car rental information, and any other relevant booking details.

A budgeting element is also essential, allowing you to plan and adjust expenses as needed to ensure all financial aspects of the trip are covered. Furthermore, a documentation center is indispensable for keeping track of passports, travel insurance, medical information, and any other necessary paperwork, as it’s easy to forget important documents when traveling with a toddler.

Having a packing checklist is crucial to prepare without having to think too much about what is needed, allowing for advance packing and reducing last-minute stress.

Flexibility is key when traveling with a toddler, so a section for backup plans is invaluable. This should include alternative activities in case of cancellations or bad weather, providing a list of other places to visit, indoor activities, or games to play when original plans fall through.

By incorporating these elements into your Notion travel planner, you can ensure a well-organized, flexible, and enjoyable trip for the entire family.



Creating a travel planner in Notion can be a game-changer for organizing trips. I believe these are the essential elements that should be included in every travel planner: itinerary, packing list, accommodation details, budget tracker, and food planner.


Dr Schmidt:

The absolute must-haves are the travel dates, times, accommodation details, and corresponding files. The template should also contain a packing list to avoid forgetting any important items and a to-do list with activities before, during, and after the trip so that nothing falls off the radar. Both lists should have the option to check off already packed items or already finished activities, respectively.
A section should also allow for more detailed daily planning (a schedule) and include a section where you can input a list of places to visit and activities that are essential to you.
It may also be a good idea to include an expense tracker. In my case, I built a Conference Travel Planner for academics who need to keep track of their expenses and the respective documents for later reimbursement at their institution.



Simple travel planners should include assistance in booking, a place to store information from your booking conversations and, importantly, provide a method to access exactly the information that you need while on the trip so that you know where to be and when along with all necessary booking information. My travel planner is also a travel hacking system focused on saving money from points and miles programs so it also has step by step methods for finding the best cash or points-based options that have personally saved me tens of thousands of dollars.

2. What integrations do you recommend for enhancing the functionality of a Notion travel planner (e.g., calendar integration, weather apps)?


The most useful tool I included in mine is the currency converter widget.



To enhance the functionality of a Notion travel planner, several integrations can significantly improve the experience. Integrating a calendar app, such as Google Calendar, allows you to sync travel dates, itinerary details, and reminders seamlessly. This ensures you stay on top of important dates and appointments throughout your trip.

Weather app integration is another valuable addition providing real-time weather updates for your destinations, helping you plan activities and pack appropriately.

Additionally, using a mapping service like Google Maps directly within Notion can help you plan routes, explore nearby attractions, and get real-time navigation. This integration can make it easier to visualize and organize your travel plans geographically.

Finally, integrating a document storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox ensures all your important documents, such as tickets, reservations, and passports, are accessible from within and without Notion. This provides an extra layer of convenience and security, knowing that all essential information is just a click away.



Integrating additional tools with your Notion travel planner can significantly enhance its functionality and make your trip planning smoother and more fun. I think it’s essential to have Google Calendar, Google Maps, and a weather widget. Also, it would be useful to have Spotify and OpenTable to be able to conveniently listen to the music and book dinner reservations.


Dr Schmidt:

I recommend a map integration and document integration from Google Drive or something similar to have instant access to important travel documents. Other integrations will depend on the specific use case, but these are the two I consider the most important ones.



The best integration for a travel planner, I’ve found, is simply Notion Calendar because it can display all of your travel events in a beautiful time-based view that is very useful for long term planning and requires no duplication of effort. Once you set it up to view your Travel Events data the first time you need do nothing more for any of your trips. With that said, while on the road I use a step by step gallery view within Notion ordered by time so that I have exactly the information that I need that is perfectly formatted for display on a phone.
Everyone already has their preferred weather app so there is no reason to embed one that is less optimal to that person.

3. What are your tips for designing a travel planner that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional?


Use filter to divide your template into 3 parts your upcoming trip, your complete trips and your bucket list. I recommend using gallery-view and include pictures in the cover for showcasing destinations and make your template much more lively.



Designing a travel planner in Notion that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional involves using a clean and consistent layout, incorporating visual elements, and maintaining a minimalist approach. Start by dividing your planner into clear sections with consistent headings, such as “Trip Overview,” “Itinerary,” “Budget,” “Packing List,” and “Backup Plans.”

Incorporate visual elements like images of your destination, maps, and attractions to enhance engagement. Icons and emojis can also be helpful for labeling different sections and items, adding a touch of fun and clarity to the planner. For instance, use a plane emoji for travel details, a dollar sign for budget, and a suitcase for the packing list.

Color coding different sections and highlighting important information can create a visually appealing structure. Change the background color of text blocks or use colored headings to differentiate sections. Utilizing Notion’s database feature can help manage complex information such as accommodation details, flight information, and activities, allowing you to filter, sort, and view data in various formats like tables, boards, and calendars.

Embed relevant multimedia elements like Google Maps, weather widgets, and documents to keep everything in one place, reducing the need to switch between different apps. Aim for a minimalist design by keeping the layout uncluttered and using whitespace effectively to avoid overwhelming the user with too much information at once.

Interactive elements like checkboxes for packing lists and to-dos, and toggles to hide detailed information until needed, can make the planner more engaging and functional.

Finally, add personal touches like quotes, travel inspirations, or custom icons that reflect your style, making the planner uniquely yours.



First of all, one has to think of personal pain points while travelling and design the template according to them. The template, first, has to solve problems. Do you struggle with packing? Are you always late or rushing too much? After finding out the answers, solve these problems with the functionality of the whole template. Then, you can also add aesthetically pleasing cover images, icons, and photos of your choice.


Dr Schmidt:

Use a consistent design. Carefully choose the icons you use and include images where appropriate. Only include as many databases as needed and prefer to work with different database views instead of too many databases. Include a Backend section with the original database views and any other basic template elements. I like to use a toggle for this.

Make sure that checklists are implemented as checklists (with checkboxes), include buttons to automate certain processes, and use database templates so that new database entries are added with a predefined structure. Include brief instructions with callouts right where needed because most people won’t read a user manual.



My career (the last 22 years at Pixar Animation Studios designing & building systems and automations) has taught me the truth of the maxim that “form follows function,” meaning that (unless your template is drop-dead trivial) your first concern should be how clear your solution is to your user. If their problem is at all complicated then there should be no confusion on their part. Only after this has been achieved should you use aesthetics to further clarify and draw attention to where it needs to be. And aesthetics vary by the individual so if that is not your thing then find examples that you like and modify as the needs of your template require.

4. What advice would you give to someone just starting to build their travel planner in Notion?


I’d say really think about your trip database and what properties you want to include because this will be the main operator for the entire template. And of course, just keep creating and editing yours to achieve what you want.



For someone just starting to build their travel planner in Notion, my advice is to keep it as simple and streamlined as possible, focusing on simplicity and usability. Begin by creating a planner for just one trip before evolving into a more complex travel planning system. Start with essential sections such as “Trip Overview,” “Itinerary,” “Budget,” and “Packing List.” These core sections will help you organize your travel information without overwhelming you.

Ensure that each section is clear and easy to navigate. For instance, in the “Trip Overview” section, include only the most crucial details like travel dates, destinations, and important contact information. Use simple headings and basic formatting to maintain a clean look. Avoid adding too many features or integrations at the beginning; less is more when starting out.

Regularly test your planner to make sure everything works as expected. As you use it, you might find certain elements that need adjustment or improvement. Don’t be afraid to make these changes. The goal is to have a functional and user-friendly planner that suits your needs.

As you become more comfortable with Notion, you can gradually add more features and sections. For example, once you’re confident with a basic one-trip planner, you might start incorporating additional elements like embedded maps, weather widgets, or databases for managing more complex information. However, always prioritize simplicity and usability to keep your planner effective and easy to use.

Remember, starting simple and focusing on the essentials will help you create a travel planner that is both functional and enjoyable to use. Adjust and improve it over time based on your experiences and evolving needs.



Explore and test as much as possible! There is no success without failure. Don’t be afraid of it. Think about your needs first. When you know them, you will also find the right solutions!


Dr Schmidt:

Take a look at example templates and video tutorials from other creators. Make an outline first (on paper or digital) of all the elements you want to include in your template. Consider how many databases you will need, how they will be related (if applicable), and what information you aim to manage with them.
Build the basic structure first and once you have a functional template, make it beautiful.
If you are stuck or need a second opinion on something, ask fellow creators for help; the Notion community is very supportive!



The best advice is to USE your own system, also known as “eating your own dog food.” Use it over and over (and share it with your friends) until all of the kinks are worked out and your users will thank you later.

As we bring our journey through the nuances of creating a Notion travel planner to a close, it’s evident that the art of travel planning has evolved. With the expert insights and innovative strategies shared by our five Notion creators, you now have a toolkit brimming with ideas to customize a travel planner that’s as unique as your next destination.

Harness these tips to cut through the chaos of travel planning and transform your upcoming trips into seamless adventures. Whether it’s syncing your itineraries, tracking your expenses, or ensuring you don’t miss out on must-see attractions, your Notion travel planner is your new go-to travel companion.

So, as you set off on your next journey, take these expert ideas with you and watch as your travel planning becomes as enjoyable as the trip itself. Here’s to creating memorable and meticulously organized travels with every trip you plan. Safe travels and happy planning!
