

Meet Horbi, a dynamic Notion creator whose journey into the world of digital productivity began in the halls of academia and led him to revolutionize his workflow—and potentially yours too.

In today’s exclusive interview, Horbi shares how a simple search for better organization tools during his college years opened up a new realm of possibilities with Notion.

From creating his first template to managing a burgeoning digital empire, Horbi combines minimalism with functionality to help others streamline their lives. Whether you’re a seasoned Notion user or a newcomer looking to declutter your digital and personal space, Horbi’s insights and innovations are bound to inspire.

Dive into the conversation and discover the man behind some of the most user-friendly and effective productivity templates on the market.

Q: How did you first discover Notion, and what drew you to it?

A: I discovered Notion at the beginning of college 6 years ago when I was looking for a way to standardize my learning and also a way to do it in a simple and unique way. A friend ended up showing me the tool and I delved deeper into it and since then I haven’t put it down.

Q: What inspired you to become a creator?

A: Ever since I started creating my own templates and organizing my entire life in one place, people started asking me how I managed to be so productive and still not be under my control. that’s when I saw a way I could help people just like Notion helped me.

Q: Can you share the story of your first template in Notion?

A: The story of my template was like that of anyone else who is starting to learn how to use something new. I started with a simple to-do list, then an organization of goals, and so on.

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: I wake up around 5 am, do my daily morning routine, and have my breakfast around 7 am, after that I work until 11:30 am. I go back to work around 1:30 pm and continue until 5:30 pm, so I stop to study until 7:30 pm, then I stop for dinner. at 8:30 am I review my day and organize the next one, then I finish my work day and go to rest.

Q: How do you balance simplicity with comprehensive features in your template designs?

A: I’m a fan of minimalism, less is more, so I always try to add the most important features to that particular template so that it doesn’t deviate from my creative style, keeping something simple but attractive. 

Q: How do you measure the success of a template, and have any surpassed your expectations in terms of user reception?

A: Primarily by the number of sales, of course. but we can’t let ourselves be fooled by this, numbers don’t always reflect the truth. we must also take into consideration how effective that work was in the life of the person who acquired it, so we must always do research and try to find out from our clients and consumers what it was like to use our services to find out if it was really effective or not.

Q: Are there any new templates or updates in the pipeline that you’re excited about?

A: Certainly, but for now I prefer not to answer as it is a surprise for future templates.

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax or destress?

A: I like video games, watching series and films, walking my dog, and going out with friends whenever possible… these are some ways I use to avoid overloading my mind and replenish my energy.

Q: What advice do you have for someone looking to improve their organization and productivity through Notion?

A: Create a routine. following a regular schedule is essential for an organized and productive life. start by developing techniques for this – time blocking, pomodoro timer, GTD method, etc. crie also healthy habits – such as waking up early, sunbathing, reading a book, learning something new every day, eating well, doing exery, etc. a balanced and healthy life results in maximized organization and productivity.

Q: Can you share a goal or dream that you’re currently pursuing?

A: At the moment my main goals are: to make my business a success, move to a better house, help my parents so they don’t worry so much about work, and give my sister everything she wants without worrying about what it is.

As we wrap up our insightful conversation with Horbi, it’s clear that his passion for productivity and design transcends the boundaries of mere digital templates.

Through his journey from a college student seeking organization to a pioneering Notion creator, Horbi embodies the spirit of innovation and the relentless pursuit of improvement. Whether he’s crafting new templates that simplify complex tasks or exploring new ways to blend functionality with minimalist design, Horbi is on a mission to empower others to lead more organized, productive lives.

Keep an eye on Horbi’s future projects—they’re sure to push the limits of what digital tools can achieve. For everyone out there looking to enhance their daily routines, Horbi’s journey and creations are a testament to the power of turning challenges into transformative tools. Follow his steps, and perhaps you too can reshape the chaos of your world into streamlined success.

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