Automate Your Social Media: Scheduling Content from Notion with Make


Juggling the demands of multiple social media platforms can eat up a lot of time in digital marketing and content creation.

To keep up with the demand, automation is no longer just a luxury; it’s a necessity. This is where Make comes into play, offering powerful automation that integrates Notion, a popular project management tool, with various social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. In this article, we’ll explore a specific Make scenario designed to streamline social media management by automating the scheduling and posting of content directly from a Notion database.

How It Works

This Make scenario allows you to automatically schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms using Notion as the central content hub. The workflow follows these key steps:

  1. Trigger from Notion: The automation begins when new content is added or scheduled in a Notion database. This content could include text posts, images, or videos intended for various social media channels.

  2. Routing Content: The content is routed through different paths based on the type (text, image, video) and the target platform (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram). Each platform has specific requirements for content formatting, so the scenario ensures that the content is tailored appropriately before posting.

  3. Platform-Specific Actions: For each social media platform, there are specific steps:

    • Twitter: The scenario may create and schedule text, image, or video posts.
    • LinkedIn: It handles the creation and scheduling of professional posts, often including links or media content.
    • Facebook: The automation manages page posts, including images, videos, and text, ensuring they fit the platform’s style.
    • Instagram: The scenario creates visually appealing image or video posts tailored to Instagram’s format.
  4. Updating Notion: After successfully scheduling or publishing the content on each platform, the Notion database is updated to reflect the new status. This ensures that your content calendar is always up-to-date, and you have a clear overview of what has been posted and when.

Use Cases

Social Media Content Calendar Management

  • Scenario: A marketing team uses Notion as a content calendar to plan posts for various social media platforms.
  • Automation: As new content is added to the calendar, the Make scenario routes it to the appropriate platform, formats it correctly, and schedules it for publication.
  • Outcome: The team saves time by not having to manually schedule posts on each platform. The entire process is streamlined, with updates reflected directly in Notion, allowing for a clear, up-to-date view of the social media strategy.


Promoting Blog Posts Across Platforms

  • Scenario: A blogger uses Notion to draft blog post ideas and outline content. When a post is ready to go live, they want to promote it on social media.
  • Automation: Upon marking a blog post as ready in Notion, the scenario automatically creates a tweet, a LinkedIn post, a Facebook update, and an Instagram story, all pointing to the new blog post.
  • Outcome: The blogger reaches their audience on all platforms simultaneously without the hassle of manually creating posts for each one. The automation ensures that each platform’s unique style and requirements are met.


Event Promotion and Countdown

  • Scenario: An event organizer uses Notion to manage promotional content for an upcoming event. They want to post regular updates and countdowns on social media.
  • Automation: The organizer schedules updates in Notion, such as “30 days to go,” “1 week left,” and “Join us tomorrow!” The Make scenario then posts these updates at the appropriate times on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Outcome: The event gains consistent visibility across all platforms, and the organizer can focus on other event details, knowing that the promotion is handled automatically.

Why This Automation Matters

Automating your social media management with this Make scenario brings several key benefits:

  • Time Efficiency: No more logging into each platform to schedule posts individually. Everything is managed from Notion, a tool you’re already using for planning.
  • Consistency: Ensures that your content is published at the right time on the right platform, maintaining a consistent online presence.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of human error in scheduling, formatting, and posting, as the automation handles these tasks based on predefined rules.
  • Centralized Control: Notion serves as a single source of truth for your content calendar, with real-time updates on what has been posted and when.


To implement this scenario, you’ll need a Make account and connections to both your Notion database and the social media platforms you wish to automate. You can start by customizing the template to fit your specific needs, such as adjusting the content routing based on your preferred platforms or adding additional checks and balances to ensure content quality.

Once set up, this automation will run in the background, freeing up your time to focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience, rather than getting bogged down in the logistics of social media management.

Ready to take your social media strategy to the next level? Set up this Make scenario and watch as your content effortlessly reaches your audience across all platforms!
