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Originally from the vibrant culture of India, with a journey that has taken him through New Zealand, the UK, the US, and now Singapore, Ajinkya embodies the spirit of a global citizen.

At the young age of 30, he has not only ventured into the realm of wearable robotics with his startup, Seamless XR but has also become a pivotal figure in the Notion community with Startup Notion.

Imagine a day in the life of Ajinkya: a seamless blend of passion, precision, and play. His mornings start with the calmness of reading, infused with the adrenaline of tennis or football. By day, he navigates the complexities of running a robotics startup. By night, he delves into the world of Notion, creating templates that resonate with startups worldwide. His approach is unique – bridging the gap between the meticulous world of robotics and the flexible, creative sphere of Notion.

But what truly sets Ajinkya apart is his philosophy: a relentless pursuit of enjoying the process of building and creating value. His journey with Notion wasn’t just a serendipitous discovery; it was a quest for a tool that matched his dynamic needs – something he found in the multifaceted functionalities of Notion. With over 20 templates and a burgeoning YouTube channel, Ajinkya is not just a creator; he’s a visionary reshaping how startups engage with productivity tools.

So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of Ajinkya – where robots meet creativity, where the startup hustle meets the calm of tennis courts, and where every day is a step towards redefining success in the digital age.

Q: Ajinkya, tell us about your first encounter with Notion. What was it that ultimately drew you to it?

A: My initial brush with Notion wasn’t exactly love at first sight. It all started with my startup’s organization needs last year. Initially, I switched back to Asana, but soon realized Notion’s unparalleled flexibility and functionalities were just what we needed. And that was it, no turning back!

Q: With your experience in Notion, what spurred you to create templates?

A: It was born from a necessity. In the early days of my startup, Seamless XR, we needed an efficient organizational system. That’s how my flagship template, StartOS, came into existence – a direct product of our own organizational needs.

Q: Could you describe how your background in robotics led you to Notion and eventually to becoming a template creator?

A: Looking back, I wish I had Notion during my PhD research days in robotics. I juggled multiple apps then, and it was chaotic! Now, Notion streamlines everything for me, from managing my startups to organizing my life.

Q: What’s a day in your life like, especially balancing between your startups and Notion template creation?

A: My days are a mix of flexibility and hard work. I start my mornings around 8:30 with coffee and a workout. Then, I’m off to work at Seamless XR until the evening. Post that, it’s all about Notion, right until midnight. Weekends have been busy with product launches lately, but I’m planning to balance that out soon.

Q: Your StartOS template has created quite a buzz. Can you share what makes it stand out?

A: StartOS is, in my opinion, the most comprehensive startup template out there – it’s packed with everything from finance to sales, CRM, content creation, and more. The unique AI features, like AI-driven content creation and financial projections, make it a powerhouse tool for startups.

Q: How has your experience in robotics, with its iterative design processes, influenced your approach to template development?

A: It’s very similar! I build and adapt features based on evolving needs. For instance, a recent addition was a LinkedIn campaign feature. Just like in robotics, StartOS is an ever-evolving system, always adapting and growing.

Q: How integral are Notion, and your templates, in your daily life?

A: Notion is practically the backbone of my life. It runs my startups and my personal organization. My Smart Repository template is my go-to for storing knowledge from books and podcasts. Without Notion, I’d be at a standstill!

Q: For those venturing into tech startups or exploring Notion, what insights can you share?

A: Two key things: always engage with your users, and invest in building a strong brand. Good marketing and branding sell, but a great product retains. And remember, most purchases are emotional decisions based on trust and brand connection.

Q: When it’s time to unwind, what’s your go-to activity?

A: Playing sports, especially tennis! It’s my ultimate escape, where I transform into a completely different person.

Q: Can you share with us a personal goal or dream you’re currently chasing?

A: I’m just in love with the journey of building and creating. My focus is on enjoying the process and the craft of making things happen. For me, it’s about the passion for building rather than the end goal.

As our conversation with Ajinkya draws to a close, we are left with a vivid image of a man at the forefront of technological and creative frontiers. His journey is a testament to the power of passion, the importance of adaptability, and the beauty of continuous learning. From the intricate world of robotics to the expansive possibilities of Notion, Ajinkya has woven a narrative that is not just inspiring but also deeply impactful.

His journey reiterates that success is not just about reaching a destination but about embracing the journey with all its twists and turns. His dedication to his startup, his love for sports, and his commitment to the Notion community are not separate threads but parts of a larger tapestry that defines who he is.

As Ajinkya continues to pave the way in both the realms of wearable robotics and Notion template creation, his story is a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and creators. It shows that with a clear vision, unbridled enthusiasm, and a willingness to experiment and learn, the possibilities are limitless.

We bid farewell to Ajinkya, not just as a creator or an entrepreneur, but as a visionary who is shaping the future one Notion template at a time, reminding us all to cherish the journey and keep building towards our dreams. His story is far from over; it’s just getting started, and we can’t wait to see where his path leads next.

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