

In a world where digital organization can be as chaotic as the clutter it aims to tame, Elle is a vibrant force in the realm of productivity and design. Elle's journey into the intricate universe of Notion is not just a tale of mastering a tool; it's a story of transformation and creativity.

From her initial skepticism to becoming a connoisseur of Notion’s boundless possibilities, Elle’s path is a testament to the power of curiosity and the magic of self-taught expertise.

In this heartening conversation, Elle shares her inspiring voyage from being a student juggling academics with an innate passion for creativity, to a budding Notion template designer and a CPA aspirant. Balancing her rigorous study schedule with her flourishing creative pursuits, Elle embodies the spirit of a modern-day Renaissance woman. Her approach to design, deeply rooted in personal experience and a keen eye for aesthetics, makes her templates not just tools, but companions in one’s organizational journey.

So, let’s delve into Elle’s world – where every Notion template tells a story, every day is a step towards new learning, and every challenge is an opportunity to grow and thrive.

Q: Elle, could you start by telling us a little bit about your journey into the world of Notion and what inspired you to create your own templates?

A: In 2020, I stumbled upon Notion, all thanks to one of my favorite Youtube vloggers, Sofia Manzano. Witnessing her seamlessly integrate Notion into her school routine sparked my curiosity. With the sudden shift to online learning due to the pandemic, I was on the lookout for a reliable system to manage my academic life. So, I decided to give it a shot, and right from the start, I was captivated. Delving deeper into its intricacies, I experimented with its features and soon discovered the boundless flexibility that Notion offers. Over time, I not only crafted templates for academic pursuits but also for various facets of my life. Notion stopped being just a tool; it transformed into a realm where I could unleash and express my organizational creativity.

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: I always start my day with a few chapters of a book and a good cup of coffee. After that, I split my day into three chunks: mornings are all about getting creative with social media and Notion, the afternoons to evenings are dedicated to study sessions (either at home or in a cozy coffee shop), and the rest of the night is reserved for winding down and self-care routine before hitting the hay.

Q: As a student and a Notion creator, how do you balance your academic responsibilities with your creative pursuits?

A: Now that college life is in the rearview, I’m knee-deep in prepping for the CPA board exam at a review school. Sure, without the usual load of schoolwork and projects, it might seem like a breeze compared to my college days. But, the real challenge lies in finding the right balance between studying and nurturing my creative side. Each day, I remind myself that studying is my temporary 9-5 commitment. Yet, there are times when my focus does a total 180, especially when a surge of creative ideas comes rushing in. To manage this, I turn to Notion for seamless task management and Cron for disciplined time-blocking. These tools serve as my allies in maintaining order amidst the chaos, ensuring that both my academic pursuits and creative expressions find their designated spaces in my daily routine.

Q: As a student, have you found ways to integrate Notion into your educational workflow?

A: Absolutely! I must confess that navigating through the college whirlwind would be a daunting task without Notion. Notion has become my lifesaver, keeping me on top of deadlines and seamlessly orchestrating the chaos of my academic life. It’s safe to say that Notion entered my life precisely when I needed it most, and to this day, it continues to rescue me in countless ways.

Q: How do you approach the design and layout of a new Notion template? Are there specific principles or aesthetics you always keep in mind?

A: When it comes to the design and layout of my templates, I have two steadfast rituals that I faithfully follow. For the layout, I always sketch it out in my notebook or on any available piece of paper. Having a visual blueprint provides me with a concrete plan, making it easier to arrange databases, columns, and other important elements needed for the template. Once the basic structure is in place, I shift my focus to aesthetics. This is where I put together a Pinterest board with the theme and color palette. I don’t stick to strict color rules; instead, I go with my gut. If a color aligns with the theme and is visually captivating, it earns a spot in the palette (and luckily, I have a natural knack for blending colors 😂).

Q: Do you have a personal connection to reading and self-care that influenced the development of these templates?

A: A big YES! My love for books sparked the creation of my very first premium Notion template. Actually, each template I’ve crafted stems from a personal need and gaps I identified in my own routines and daily life. I’m sure there’s a whole bunch of people out there who feel the same way – those who thrive on organization but still seek a straightforward system for productivity and accountability. This year, my emphasis has been on self-care workflows and personal management systems. Looking ahead to the next year, my goal is to channel my creativity into designing workflows tailored for fellow creatives.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to start creating their own Notion templates?

A: Start simple. No need to go all out with a complicated system like the ones you find online. Just start with a basic setup that meets your current needs, like a blank page and a few blocks. Then, gradually add more as time goes on. Before you know it, you’ll have a bunch of pages that serve you personally. Once you’ve established a foundation, shift your focus to refining the homepage, aesthetics, and more. Also, it’s a good idea to explore and make use of ready-made templates to speed up your Notion learning process. Break down the formulas used, get familiar with the ins and outs of Notion through daily use. And soon enough, you’ll find yourself proficient with Notion, effortlessly building your own templates.

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax or destress?

A: Curling up on the couch with a good book is my ultimate relaxation ritual. When I’m not in the mood for reading, you’ll find me outdoors, soaking in the fresh air, and enjoying playful moments with my two Persian cats, Tillie and Toby. Check out my two feline buddies! The white cutie is Tillie, and the ginger furball is Toby. Aren’t they just so cute? 🥰

Q: Can you share a goal or dream that you’re currently pursuing?

A: I’m currently dedicated to fostering my side hustle as a Notion creator while chasing my CPA dream. I aim to steadfastly pursue both goals without losing momentum along the way.

As we conclude our insightful dialogue with Elle, we’re left feeling invigorated and inspired. Her journey from discovering Notion as a curious student to becoming a proficient template creator and a CPA aspirant is a powerful reminder of the endless possibilities that lie within our reach when we embrace new tools and technologies with an open mind and a creative heart.

Elle’s story is a beacon of hope and motivation, particularly for those standing at the crossroads of academia and creative passions. Her ability to harmoniously blend the rigorous demands of her CPA preparations with her flair for Notion template design is a testament to her dedication, discipline, and innovative spirit.

As we bid farewell, we take with us Elle’s valuable insights on balancing life’s diverse roles, her unique approach to template creation, and her contagious enthusiasm for continuous learning and growth. Elle’s journey is not just about mastering a digital tool; it’s about exploring new horizons, pushing boundaries, and writing one’s own success story – one template, one day, one dream at a time.

Thank you, Elle, for sharing your inspiring tale and for reminding us that with passion, perseverance, and Notion, the sky’s the limit!

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