Jay Rebel


Meet Jay Rebel, the Notion wizard who turned his knack for organization into a creative powerhouse! Back in 2019, Jay stumbled into the world of Notion while setting goals for the new year and quickly realized its potential to transform chaos into clarity.

With a past shadowed by challenges that would make most falter, Jay found solace and structure in Notion’s customizable pages and tables. From these personal trials, she crafted a suite of Notion templates, each a blend of personal recovery and innovative design, aimed at empowering others to seize control of their lives.

Whether she’s piecing together her life’s puzzles or helping others do the same, Jay’s journey is a testament to resilience and the power of a well-organized dashboard.

Get ready to dive into the world of a creator who’s turning personal growth into a public resource!

Q: How did you first discover Notion, and what drew you to it?

A: I discovered Notion at the beginning of 2019 – it was about goal setting for the new year. I liked the fact that I could connect pages, have different views of tables, and most importantly: everything in ONE place.

Q: What inspired you to create Notion templates focused on personal development?

A: Mainly my own way.

In 2012 my life fell into pieces and I had to start from scratch again.

There was no tool like Notion that is always at your fingertips no matter where you are.

And even worse: Germany is highly digital illiterate (still).

Even though I was always lucky enough to be accompanied by great therapist, there was one thing I always missed:

  • instructions
  • checklists or
  • deep dives


to consolidate what I had previously worked on in the session.

Of course, I was given good tips during the session – but they simply got lost in incredible AHA moments, downloads, tears, and insights.

I have everything recorded that helps me in Notion. No matter where I am, I have everything with me to grow or strengthen my (mental) health.

Q: What is your process for developing a new Notion template?

A: I am a content creator at heart and because of my previous experience I know mainly what it takes to have a self-empowered happy life again – be it employed or running a business.

There´s a way with kinda “milestones” and I have been creating content around these milestones for more than 7 years.

I take my knowledge, choose a topic, and ask ChatGPT what kind of Notion Templates would make sense for that specific topic.

Q: What does a typical day in your life look like?

A: I try to structure my day in: create – connect – consume.

I get up when I wake up, have my cappuccino with Italian cookies, skincare routine, and sit down at my desktop to start writing content up to 11:00 am.

I don’t write a journal or I don’t exercise to start my morning as energized and powerful as possible.

Followed by all other things like template creation or client meetings. One hour lunch break and the afternoon is for easy things like phone calls, being on Twitter, content planning, or later on journaling about the day.

In the evening it’s having dinner, networking online or offline, going to the gym (EMS only), skincare, shower, bed.

Things I outsourced: cooking, cleaning & accounting.

Things I try to avoid: go shopping for whatever.

Q: Can you share how your own personal growth journey has influenced your product offerings?

A: Oh, that’s easy: there were no products at all! All my products are based on my personal experience. Also my business templates like the website bundles (and so many other things that I have in store…).

In Germany, certificates count for a lot, but they say nothing about whether you have experience or what results you have achieved for yourself or your customers.
That’s why all my templates are based on my personal experience.

Q: What´s your favorite template, and why?

A: The template I like most is the “Setting Boundaries Bundle” because it combines the knowledge and the way to learn how to say NO.

Somebody recently told me that this template is very niche.

That really surprised me because wherever you live in this world: we all started learning this boundary thing in our childhood. So that’s why it´s a very large audience and an evergreen topic.

Q: How do you think tools like Notion can impact personal growth and self-awareness?

A: YES – it can have a huge impact on your personal growth if you want to use it that way. For me, it combines knowledge with personal experience over time.

I always have this strong urge to have everything I need close at hand. To capture my thoughts, write down ideas, look up something, or connect loose ends.

With Notion, you can display your journey with all the ups and downs, milestones, challenges, and wins.

Even if you feel like you´re stuck – you look at your Notion and you see what you’ve accomplished. That’s giving me comfort and hope if I need it.

Q: What are your main goals for your shop over the next year?

A: Grow my audience so I can help more people with my templates, and maybe add a more personal touch to the templates with video courses or hypnosis.

Maybe also translate my book idea into a Mega-OS template:

From unhealthy to emotionally fit – 3 steps to a life that truly feels like yours.

Q: What’s your favorite way to relax or destress?

A: Going out for a walk – regardless of sun or rain or having a massage.

Q: Are there any upcoming projects or templates you are particularly excited about?

A: Yes, there are actually two, about:

  1. personal growth and body positivity, if you´re ill or do not feel comfortable with yourself you´ll also have problems with your job and relationships
  2. business starter, how to find they’re nice and focus on what you really need.


And let’s see what else comes around.

As we wrap up our enlightening chat with Jay Rebel, it’s clear that her journey through Notion isn’t just about crafting templates—it’s about creating stepping stones for personal triumph and growth.

From the dark academia-themed dashboards of his college days to the powerful gamification systems that are helping others transform their routines, Jay’s story is a vibrant tapestry of innovation and resilience.

Whether she’s refining her latest creation or inspiring others to harness the full potential of their digital spaces, Jay continues to redefine what it means to be a creator in the Notion community.

Keep an eye on Jay’s shop for her upcoming projects that promise to blend practicality with a pinch of magic—because, in Jay’s world, every click brings you closer to mastering your own universe.

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